※Time is subject to change.


「Ed Sheeran +-=÷x Tour 2024」東京ドーム公演の場外MAPを公開!解放席の当日券販売も決定!
1/31(水)開催となる「Ed Sheeran +-=÷x Tour 2024」追加先着販売も残りわずか!
1/31(水)開催「Ed Sheeran +-=÷x Tour」東京公演 グッズ販売決定!


※東京ドーム BOXを除き、ご購入いただいたチケット(SS席 / S席 / A席 / U-20席)は、後日公式リセールサービスを行う予定です。 ※Purchased tickets except“TOKYO DOME BOX”will be made available for official resale service at a later date.
¥38,000(税込) 38,000 JPY(tax incl.)
¥19,800(税込) 19,800 JPY(tax incl.)
¥16,800(税込) 16,800 JPY(tax incl.)
U-20席 U-20 SEAT
¥13,800(税込) 13,800 JPY(tax incl.)




These seats are strictly for 20 years old or younger.
Some seats may have limited visibility of the entire stage or certain parts of the production.
Please bring an ID card to verify your age on the day of the event.
We will be verifying the age of not only the ticket holder, but also of those who would be accompanying as well. Please remember to bring either of the following types of ID with you.

(Driver’s License, Student ID, Passport, Physical Disability Recordbook / Certificate, MyNumber Card(Notification card not accepted), Residents Card, Special Permanent, Resident Certificate, Basic Resident Registration Card, Alien registration card)

※Age is based on how old the ticket holder is on the day of each performance.
※If age cannot be verified, admission will be denied.
※Expired IDs will be invalid. Also, please bring the certificate in its officially issued state. (Photocopies are not acceptable.)
※Student ID, MyNumber Card, and Basic Resident Registration Card are valid only if the photo and the applicant’s current address can be verified.

東京ドーム BOX
"MASU"matics BOX "MASU"matics BOX

■1組 4枚/5枚/6枚/7枚/8枚/9枚/10枚のセット販売になります。

【10人定員】1⼈ ¥30,000 ×10枚
【9人定員】1⼈ ¥30,000 ×9枚
【8人定員】1⼈ ¥30,000 ×8枚
【7人定員】1⼈ ¥30,000 ×7枚
【6人定員】1⼈ ¥30,000 ×6枚
【5人定員】1⼈ ¥30,000 ×5枚
【4人定員】1⼈ ¥30,000 ×4枚


■Only sold as group tickets of 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10.

【Capacity 10 people】¥30,000 per ticket ×10 tickets
【Capacity 9 people】¥30,000 per ticket ×9 tickets
【Capacity 8 people】¥30,000 per ticket ×8 tickets
【Capacity 7 people】¥30,000 per ticket ×7 tickets
【Capacity 6 people】¥30,000 per ticket ×6 tickets
【Capacity 5 people】¥30,000 per ticket ×5 tickets
【Capacity 4 people】¥30,000 per ticket ×4 tickets

※Credit card payment only.
※Semi-private room for group.
※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

Quattro BOX Quattro BOX

■1組 4枚のセット販売になります。

【4人定員】1人 ¥25,000 ×4枚


■Only sold as group tickets.
【Capacity 4 people】¥25,000 per ticket × 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only.
※Box seat for group.
※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.


受付期間:12月15日(金)15:00~ ※予定枚数に達し次第、販売終了

Additional show Pre-sale (FCFS)(1/28 OSAKA SHOW)

Sales Period:December 15 (Fri) 3:00 pm –


受付期間:1月16日(火)18:00 ~ ※予定枚数に達し次第、販売終了

Additional-sales (FCFS)(1/31 TOKYO SHOW / 1/27 OSAKA SHOW)

Sales Period:January 16 (Tue) 6:00 pm –
※1/27 Osaka Show added (January 23 (Tue) 20:00 - )

Stage Map

Layout and images as of October 20, 2023.
Actual stage layout may differ, in which case priority will be given to the stage on the day of the shows.



  • 3歳以上有料、3歳未満は膝上鑑賞可。但しお席が必要な場合は別途購入となります。
  • 開場・開演時間は変更になる場合がございます。
  • チケットは、公式ページに記載のチケットプレイガイドよりご購入ください。
  • 正規販売ルート以外(個人間売買・オークションサイト・金券ショップ等)で購入されたチケットに関しては、その有効性を一切保証されておりません。
  • Ticket availability is limited. Tickets will be sold during the pre-sale lotteries while currently available inventory lasts. Ticket sales will be closed when the number of tickets sold reaches the limit of currently available inventory. In that case, tickets will not be available for general on sale.
  • 第三者への譲渡禁止 / 営利目的の転売禁止 / オークションへの出品禁止
  • 先行販売で規定枚数に達し次第、受付を終了させていただきます。その場合、一般発売はございませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 各公演6枚まで
  • 全席指定
  • 一部演出が見えにくい座席がございます。
  • 座席によっては一部着席でのご鑑賞になりますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 複数枚ご購入の場合、お連れの方との座席や立ち位置が必ずしも隣同士にならない場合がございますので、ご了承の上お買い求めください。
  • お客様の都合による、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • 車椅子をご利用の方は、安全上ハンディキャップエリアをご利用いただく必要があります。車椅子での観覧をご希望のお客様は、S席のチケットをご購入お願いいたします。ハンディキャップエリアへの付き添いは1名様までです。付き添いの方もチケットが必要となります。また、スペースに限りがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。車椅子でご来場のお客様は、チケットご購入後にEd Sheeran来日公演事務局〈 https://supportform.jp/edsheeran〉までご連絡をお願いいたします。
  • <東京のみ>
  • <大阪のみ>
  • 入場時に手荷物検査を行います。ご協力いただけない方は、入場をお断りする場合がございますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • カン・ビン類の持ち込みは出来ません。移し替え用のプラカップもご用意いたしませんので、入場口で廃棄いただきます。ペットボトル(1,000ml以内)は持ち込み出来ますが、観覧エリア内およびステージへの投げ入れなどは厳禁です。
  • 危険物や他のお客様のご迷惑と判断されるものは一切お断りいたします。
  • ペット類の同伴入場は不可となります。但し、盲導犬等の補助犬についてはご入場可能です。補助犬同伴でご来場の場合、事前にEd Sheeran来日公演事務局〈 https://supportform.jp/edsheeran 〉までご連絡をいただけますとスムーズにご案内出来ます。
  • 場内外いずれにおいても、お客様同士のトラブル等については、お客様同士で解決をお願いいたします。
  • 過度な飲酒状態の方、他のお客様のご迷惑となるような行為が確認された方、係員の指示にしたがっていただけない方には、退場していただく場合がございます。その場合のチケット代金等の払い戻しは行いません。
  • 会場内では係員の指示に従ってください。係員の指示に従わず事故・怪我などをされた場合は出演者・主催者、及び会場側は一切責任を負いません。
  • ステージへ物を投げ込んだり、駆け寄ったりする危険行為は絶対におやめください。公演中はご指定の席・エリア以外での観覧は禁止とさせていただきます。
  • 公共の交通機関をご利用いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 終演時は規制退場になります。係員の誘導に従ってお進みください。
  • 万が一公演中止となった場合、本公演の中止・遅延に伴う、会場までの旅費・宿泊費等(キャンセル料を含む)の補償はいたしません。
  • 近隣住民の方々、および施設の多大なご協力とご理解のもと開催しております。皆様のご協力をお願いいたします。
  • Your ticket purchase constitutes a personal, revocable license and, at all times, remains the property of the event organizer.
  • Your ticket(s) are sold by the event organizer directly to you the consumer. Any tickets purchased by businesses or traders in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale may be cancelled. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that you are a consumer.
  • Age Limit: Children 3 years old or older require a ticket.
    Age 2 or under are admitted free provided they sit on a parent or guardian’s lap.
    Free attendance will not be adapted if extra seats are needed.
  • The door and show times are subject to change.
  • Please purchase tickets from the official ticket agencies stated on the official page.
  • Tickets purchased through channels other than official sales routes (such as individual sales, auction sites, ticket shops, etc.) are not guaranteed to be valid.
  • Transferring tickets to third parties is prohibited. Reselling for profit and listing on auctions is also prohibited.
  • Purchase Limit: 6 per transaction per show
  • Reserved Seat Only.
  • View from some seats may be obstructed.
  • Please note that some seats may require you to be seated during the show.
  • If you purchase multiple tickets, please be aware that the seats or standing positions for accompanying individuals may not be adjacent.
  • Cancellations, changes, and refunds after ticket purchase due to customer circumstances are not permitted.
  • If you require a wheelchair, you must use the designated wheelchair area for safety reasons. If you wish to attend in a wheelchair, please purchase S-seats. Accompanying individuals are limited to one person. The accompanying person will also require a ticket. Please note that space is limited. If you plan to attend in a wheelchair, please contact the Ed Sheeran Japan Tour Office 〈https://supportform.jp/edsheeran〉after purchasing your ticket.
  • <TOKYO>
    ※There is no cloakroom available at the venue. Also, the number of lockers inside the venue is limited. Please use the coin lockers outside the venue before arriving. Note that the payment method for the lockers inside the venue is limited to transportation IC cards (such as Suica, PASMO, etc.).
  • <OSAKA>
    ※There is no cloakroom available at the venue. Also, the number of lockers inside the venue is limited. Please use the coin lockers outside the venue before arriving. Note that the payment method for the lockers inside the venue is limited to cash.
  • Bag inspections will be conducted upon entry. If you cannot cooperate with the inspection, you may be denied entry. Please be aware of this in advance.
  • Bringing cans and glass bottle is not allowed. We do not provide alternative containers, so please dispose of them at the entrance. You may bring plastic bottles (up to 1,000ml) , but throwing them or any similar actions within the viewing area and towards the stage are strictly prohibited.
  • Items deemed dangerous or causing inconvenience to other customers are strictly prohibited.
  • Pets are not allowed to accompany you into the venue. However, guide dogs and other assistance dogs are permitted. If you plan to attend with an assistance dog, please contact the Ed Sheeran Japan Tour Office〈https://supportform.jp/edsheeran〉 in advance for smooth guidance.
  • For any conflicts or disputes between customers within or outside the venue, please resolve them peacefully amongst yourselves.
  • Persons in a state of excessive alcohol consumption, engaging in behavior that causes inconvenience to other customers, or refusing to follow staff instructions may be asked to leave. No refunds will be provided in such cases.
  • Please follow the instructions of the staff inside the venue. The performers, organizers, and venue will not be held responsible for any accidents, injuries, or incidents resulting from failure to comply with staff instructions.
  • Please refrain from throwing objects onto the stage or rushing towards the stage, as it poses a safety risk. Viewing outside of your designated seat or area during the performance is strictly prohibited.
  • We kindly ask you to use public transportation.
  • After the performance, please follow the guidance of the staff for exit instructions.
  • In the event of a cancellation, we will not compensate for travel expenses, accommodation fees, etc. (including cancellation fees) to the venue.
  • We are holding this event with the cooperation and understanding of the local residents and facility. We appreciate your cooperation.

チケットについて Ticketing

1  チケットはエイベックス・ライヴ・クリエイティヴ株式会社が提供するスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」での受け取りとなります。公演日までにAnyPASSアプリをダウンロードの上、チケットの受け取りをお済ませください。

2  本公演のチケットは、同行者に分配する機能を無効にしています。複数枚購入された方は同行者も含め、必ず全員が揃ってからご入場ください。

1   Your ticket(s) are digital tickets that will be delivered in the lead up to the show to the ticket vendor’s app/wallet which you will be instructed to download to your smart device.

2  When arriving in groups, the lead booker (the purchaser and the name specified as the account holder on AnyPASS) needs to be present in order for the whole party to enter the venue. All members of the party should enter the venue at the same time.




4  購入されたチケットは常に主催者に帰属します。状況によって主催者はチケットをキャンセルする権利を持っています。

5  正規販売ルート以外(個人間売買・オークションサイト・金券ショップ等)で購入されたチケットに関しては、その有効性を一切保証されておりません。

6  チケットは公式リセールサービスを除いて第三者への譲渡、営利目的の転売およびオークションへの出品は禁止となります。

7  チケットの販売は、1回の受付につき最大6枚までとします。

8  チケットは正規の販売ルートを通じて購入されたもののみ有効です。非正規の販売サイトで購入されたチケットでの入場はお断りさせていただく場合がございます。



  • 本公演のチケットはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS(電子チケット) https://anypass.jp/」となります。
  • チケットのお受け取り、公演日当日ご入場の際にはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」対応のスマートフォンが必要となります。
  • お申込み時のお客様情報の携帯電話番号(AnyPASS発券)欄にご登録の携帯電話番号の端末のみ、チケットのお受け取りが可能になります。(チケット情報は購入時の携帯電話番号に紐づきます。)
  • 発券開始日・席番表示開始日等は決まり次第オフィシャルサイトにてご案内させていただきます。
  • 複数枚購入された方は同行者も含め、必ず全員が揃ってからご入場いただけますようお願いいたします。お持ちのチケットのうち、一部枚数のみを使用してご入場された場合、残りのチケットは使用不可となりますのでご注意ください。
  • 同一日時の公演のチケットを同一電話番号で複数回ご購入いただいた場合、必ず1枚ずつご購入者様分のチケットとして手元に残ります。
  • AnyPASSの言語表示は日本語・英語への切り替えが可能です。





【iPhoneをご使用の場合】 App Store
【Androidをご使用の場合】 Google Play

Android:Android9.0以降 (※一部機種を除く)





ご購入いただいたチケットは、公式リセールサービスの対象となります。(※東京ドーム BOXはリセールサービス対象外となりますのでご注意ください。

3   In order for tickets to be valid, on arrival at the show the lead booker must be able to provide all of the following items alongside their ticket(s):

i) Photo ID (Driving license, passport)
ii) Booking confirmation email

4   Your ticket purchase constitutes a personal, revocable license and, at all times, remains the property of the promoters.

5   Your ticket/s are sold by the promoters directly to you the consumer.  Any tickets purchased by businesses or traders in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale will be cancelled. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that you are a consumer.

6   Your ticket/s will IMMEDIATELY BECOME INVALID if resold OR OFFERED FOR SALE unless the sale is through the official ticket agent fan to fan exchange.  Tickets sold via third parties and other unauthorized outlets, including online auction sites, are not valid for admission. The resale of a ticket renders it invalid and may lead to refusal of entry.

7   Ticket sales are limited to a maximum of 6 per transaction.

8   Only tickets purchased through approved ticket agents are valid for admission.  The venue reserves the right to refuse admission.


Mobile Ticketing & Entry Process

  • The tickets for this performance will be available only through the smartphone app “AnyPASS”(electronic tickets) at https://anypass.jp/.
  • To receive the tickets and enter the venue on the day of the performance, you will need a smartphone compatible with the “AnyPASS”app.
  • Only the device with the mobile phone number registered in the “Mobile Phone Number (AnyPASS Issuance)”field of the customer information at the time of application will be able to receive the tickets. (Ticket information is linked to the mobile phone number at the time of purchase.)
    Tickets cannot be received on a device with a different mobile phone number, so please do not change or cancel your mobile phone number until the day of the performance. Changing the device with the same phone number is acceptable.
  • We will inform you about the E-ticket issue date, seat numbers, and other details as soon as they are determined on the official website.
  • The E tickets for this event cannot be distributed to accompanying individuals. For those who have purchased multiple tickets, please ensure that all individuals are present before entering. If only a portion of your tickets is used for admission, please be aware that the remaining tickets will become invalid.
  • When applying, please ensure that the purchaser has a smartphone with a compatible OS and that SMS authentication is available.
  • Printouts or screenshots of the tickets will not be accepted for entry.
  • The representative of the ticket purchaser must register AnyPASS and receive the ticket before coming to the event.
  • If you purchase tickets for the same date and time multiple times with the same phone number, each set of tickets will remain as individual tickets for the respective purchaser.
    The tickets that remain with the purchaser can only be used by the purchaser. Please note that they cannot be used or accessed by others.
  • AnyPASS language display can be switched between Japanese and English.


Please note that those who do not meet the above requirements will not be able to enter. Please understand this in advance.


Please download the smartphone-exclusive app “AnyPASS”from the following links:
【For iPhone users】 App Store
【For Android users】 Google Play


■Supported Operating Systems■

iPhone: iOS 14 or later
Android: Android 9.0 or later (excluding some models)

For more information and instructions on how to use AnyPASS, please visit the official AnyPASS website at “https://anypass.jp/” and the official AnyPASS videos on YouTube at“https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611”.


■Policy Against Illegal Ticket Resale■

The resale of tickets purchased through this ticket office to third parties, regardless of the reason, is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, providing tickets to third parties for the purpose of resale is also prohibited.
Selling tickets at unreasonable prices around the venue on the day of the performance or selling tickets to the general public through the internet or other means, regardless of the transaction amount or reason, will be considered as ticket resale.
Therefore, please note that entry will be denied for tickets purchased from sources other than the official ticket sales agency sites listed on the official website and other authorized platforms.
Please be aware that no refunds will be provided for the ticket price or any associated costs in such cases.
Your ticket(s) will IMMEDIATELY BECOME INVALID if resold OR OFFERED FOR SALE. Tickets sold via third parties and other unauthorized outlets, including online auction sites, are not valid for admission. The resale of a ticket renders it invalid and may lead to refusal of entry.


■Official Ticket Resale■

The tickets you have purchased are eligible for the official ticket resale service.(※Please note that TOKYO DOME BOX are not eligible for the resale service.)
Through the official ticket resale service, individuals who are unable to attend the event can sell their tickets, and those who wish to attend can purchase them at face value. This system allows for a fair exchange of tickets.
Details regarding the timing of the official ticket resale service will be provided at a later date.
Please note that the use of the official ticket resale service is limited to individuals who hold an account at the financial institutions listed here:“https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/”and have a branch located within Japan.



Ed Sheeran +-=÷x Tour 2024 開催にあたり、以下FAQをご確認ください。
In the run up to putting a show on sale we get asked lots of questions relating to the show and ticket sales. We’ve put together this handy guide to help you navigate your way through the process. We are working hard to do everything we can to make sure that tickets only end up in the hands of genuine fans.


【iPhoneをご使用の場合】 App Store
【Androidをご使用の場合】 Google Play

Android:Android9.0以降 (※一部機種を除く)

SS席 38,000円 / S席 19,800円 / A席 16,800円 / U-20席 13,800円 ※東京公演のみ別途BOX席(セット販売あり)になります。
車椅子での観覧をご希望のお客様は、S席のチケットのご購入をお願いいたします。ハンディキャップエリアへの付き添いは1名様までです。付き添いの方もチケットが必要となります。また、スペースに限りがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。車椅子でご来場のお客様は、チケットご購入後にEd Sheeran来日公演事務局〈https://supportform.jp/edsheeran〉までご連絡をお願いいたします。

  • 人数分のAnyPASS(デジタルチケット)
  • チケットの申込完了メール
  • 購入者本人と購入者の顔写真付き公的身分証明書(内容については当日のご本人様確認についてをご確認ください)


東京ドーム BOXを除き、後日公式リセールサービスを実施する予定です。
How can I buy tickets?
The promoters of Ed Sheeran are committed to combating unethical secondary ticketing and resale.
For the 2024 shows we will be operating a mobile digital ticket sold ONLY via our approved outlets.
In preparation for on sale, we recommend that you register an account with our approved outlets, details listed below:
Your mobile /smartphone will be your ticket which will be contained within an app or wallet. Once the tickets have been purchased you will receive a simple email confirmation as proof of purchase. This is NOT your ticket or ticket(s)
You will receive instructions on how to access your ticket(s) much nearer to the shows.
Upon arrival at the show, you will then be required to present your mobile smart phone device containing your ticket(s). Please note you will not be able to use a screenshot.
So where should I buy my “face value” tickets from?
All official ticket agent websites will be listed on tour advertising and at EdSheeran.com
Only buy tickets from the authorised websites: https://w.pia.jp/a/edsheeran24eng/ https://aegx-edsheeran.jp/
When will they go on sale?
Tickets go on pre-sale at 11am on Oct 20.
Please check the official site for further information.
How much are the “face value’’ tickets?
JPY 38,000 / 19,800 / 16,800 / 13,800 *except Tokyo Dome Box.
How do I arrange to buy tickets for someone requiring disabled access?
Customers who require either a carer to accompany them or disabled access to the shows should visit Ed Sheeran Japan Tour Office〈https://supportform.jp/edsheeran
What is unethical secondary ticketing and ticket resale?
Unethical secondary ticketing is when people buy tickets at face value and then re-sell them at inflated prices via non-artist approved methods and websites, thus denying real fans the chance to buy at face value.
Ticket touts and unauthorised resellers use multiple payment cards, false identities and sophisticated computer programmes (‘bots’) to buy up large amounts of tickets which they then offer for resale at highly-inflated prices.
How many tickets can I buy?
There will be a strict limit of 6 tickets per show date per transaction. This restriction is in place in order to give as many people as possible a fair chance to buy tickets. The whole party must arrive at the same time as the person with the mobile smart phone device containing all the tickets.
PLEASE NOTE that any and all transactions that are detected as bot purchases, patrons creating duplicate accounts in order to purchase more than the ticket limit or any action that indicates a suspicious purchase in excess of the ticket limit will be cancelled.
But we want to go as a bigger group/family?
You will have to try to complete another order with another mobile device.
Can I buy tickets as a gift?
The matching ID of the surname of the lead booker will be an entry requirement, the other tickets bought by that person can be used for other people as long as they ALL arrive with the lead booker. If you want to buy as gifts then you’ll also have to attend to get your recipients into the show.
What are the entry requirements?
To gain access to the concert you are required to bring your fully charged mobile phone or smartphone. You will also be required to produce your email booking confirmation and a valid form of photo ID that matches the name on the tickets.
What are the age restrictions?
Age Limit: Children 3 years old or older require a ticket.
Age 2 or under are admitted free provided they sit on a parent or guardian's lap.
Free attendance will not be adapted if extra seats are needed.
In the unlikely event you are looking to purchase tickets on behalf of 16-18 year olds who do not have access to a smartphone we recommend that you attend the show with the group.
I can’t find my confirmation email?
In the first instance please check your junk or spam folder. If that doesn’t work contact the customer services of the ticket agent you believe you booked through. If you are unsure which company you bought from this is usually displayed on your credit card statement or bank statement.
My phone is out of battery so I can’t access my ticket(s)?
Please make sure your phone is fully charged before you leave the house to avoid this situation. Of course if you run out of battery please go to the box office where someone will be able to assist you to find your order.
What if my mobile phone was lost or stolen on the day of the show?
Don’t worry, we have a full record of every lead booker who bought tickets for the shows and will be able to help. Please make your way to the box office in the first instance.
I can’t go any more and need to sell on my ticket. What do I do?
The reselling of any Ed Sheeran ticket is strictly forbidden other than through the official face value resale platform of your original point of purchase platform. Any Ed Sheeran ticket offered for resale elsewhere, either on or offline (including Viagogo or any other unauthorised source including all secondary ticket retail websites), will result in the entire original booking being cancelled. The original purchaser and their party will be refused admission and any other purchases they hold will also be cancelled.
When will we receive our tickets?
Remember, we are operating a digital mobile/ smartphone ticketing system. Therefore, no physical tickets will be posted or emailed in advance. Your phone contains your ticket(s) and they’ll be sent to you nearer to the time of the shows.
Are cameras allowed?
Professional cameras (deemed as cameras with removable lenses), video and recording equipment are strictly forbidden. Personal use cameras and smart-phone cameras are fine.
How early should we turn up?
Please check ticket agent websites for door opening times and do allow yourself plenty of time to get in before the start of the show.
I can’t get in with my tickets, it failed to scan and I’ve been turned away?
Don’t worry, we can try and help you. In the first instance head to the box office where someone will be able to help you work out what’s gone wrong. Remember DO NOT buy a ticket from someone you don’t know either in person on the street OR from an unauthorised secondary ticket website.
What else are you doing to combat the secondary market?
Your mobile phone number is linked to your ticket order. Your tickets are linked to both your account with your chosen ticket agent AND your mobile phone number. This means your ticket and the individual information you gave when you purchased are linked. If a ticket is resold in any method other than via official face-value resale channels then the mobile phone number will not be linked to the ticket(s) and you will be refused entry to the venue.
Can I enter with a screenshot of my ticket?
No, screenshots, screen captures, etc., will not be accepted for admission. The QR code will be updated regularly, so please download AnyPASS to your smartphone and keep it connected to the internet before visiting the venue.
Can I re-enter the venue?
Re-entry is not permitted.
Please make sure to purchase your tickets from the official ticket sites indicated on the official website.
Read all the precautions on the official website before coming to the venue.
